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Prevent Pests from Home Entry Points - Alpha Pest Control
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Prevent Pests from Home Entry Points

Prevent Pests From Home Entry Points

Pests are always on the lookout for safety, shelter and food. That makes them get into human properties for the long term. They are unwanted visitors who gain entry into your home in a silent manner. Human homes also protect them from the elements in harsh winters and heavy rains.

Apart from a lack of cleanliness, there are many structural faults such as broken shingles, soffits in the roof of the building that can make the place welcoming for pests. Listed ahead, in this blog are the most common areas of homes that are used by pests as entry points:

  • Attics

Attics are places that contain a lot of clutter and items not in use. Pests can use the adjacent roof lines to get into the attic for gaining entry into your property. To make sure your attic is not inviting pests inside, clean it out regularly. Gaps in places where walls meet the foundation are also entry points that pests use commonly to get into homes.

  • Doors and windows

Door and window frames develop gaps and cracks with wear and tear resulting from constant usage. Cockroaches, ants, bugs, are some pests that can enter through the crevices and cracks on doors and windows. Installing door sweeps on doorways can be helpful in shutting out any gap and maintaining a tight seal around the doors. Fixing weather stripping on windows is another way to keep pests and insects out.

  • Drainages 

Drainages that are dirty and blocked with filth are a hotbed for germs and pests. Pests such as cockroaches, rodents, mosquitoes, mites, flies enter into homes through dirty drains and gutters. These pests survive and keep growing off the waste that gets tossed inside the drain. Clean your drains regularly with a drain cleaner. Install a drain screen on it to prevent tiny pests and insects from accessing it and getting inside. 

  • Vents 

Vents are also an easy access point for a number of pests. Exhaust fans and dryers both are used by pests to enter into any property. Appropriate screens should be installed over the dryers and exhaust fans. Make sure to check the condition of the screens every once in a while. Also ensure cleaning or dusting air vents and the adjoining spaces often to stop pests and small insects from nesting inside. Seal portions near outdoor plumbing, containers, telephone wires, gas meters, etc.

  • Walls and ceilings

Pests can gain entry into any home through the gaps and cracks in ceilings and interior as well as exterior walls. Hence it is important to inspect these areas and seal the cracks immediately with sealants and caulking. Also make sure to inspect the areas below the roof for any entry points that maybe used by rodents, possums, bees, rats and mice. 

  • Trees

Overgrown branches of trees leaning onto the house can serve as easy entry points into your home particularly for possums, rats, mice and other pests. Make sure to trim and prune branches of trees and overgrown shrubs. Keep the logs of wood and timber pile away from the house as these things also can be used as easily by creepy-crawlies to enter your house.

Mentioned above were some common access points that pests use to sneak inside our homes and apartments. Apart from that, pests can come inside via your bags, luggage, online packages, potted plants and pets. Hiring the inspection services of an experienced and reputed pest control service can be helpful since professionals assess the entire property to find and address existing and potential entry points.