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Spot Early Signs of a Pest Infestation

Home-owners and property-owners should be able to identify pest infestations before they can cause a lot of damage and destruction in the premises. Pests are known to spread diseases and disorders through their fur, hair and droppings. Moreover, they carry numerous germs and bacteria on themselves. The existence of pests and the damage they cause also reduces the value of your property. For these reasons, preventative measures should be taken at the earliest. That is possible only when householders are aware of the early signs of pest infestations. In this blog, let us understand more about how one can spot the early signs of pests:

Look for pests in these places:

Mentioned ahead are some key places to look in in the property for finding potential pest activity in:

  • Chimney

Chimney flashing also can enable the entry of pests and insects into your home. The screen on the chimney opening can also attract pests.

  • Roofs

Faulty areas on the roof such as loose shingles or overhanging eaves can house pests such as ants, wasps, bees, cockroaches and also help them get inside the house.

  • Doors and windows

The weather stripping, screens and frames of the doors and windows can be used by numerous pests to enter inside your home.

  • Basements and attics

Pests such as rodents, spiders, cockroaches and other smaller insects also can use the basement and attic to get inside your house.

Early signs of pest infestations:

  • Droppings and waste

Black-coloured droppings in the pantry, kitchen cabinets and drawers is a sign of a rodent infestation. Whereas, droppings resembling black pepper or black coffee are signs of a cockroach infestation. There may be an ant infestation, if you come across small granules interlaced with soft, fibrous pieces of wood in your house.

  • Foul and unpleasant smells

Foul and unpleasant smells whose origin you cannot identify are also a sign of some pest being around. Such smells also can point towards a possible possum or rodent infestation. A musty or sweet smell can be an indication of a bed bug infestation. Likewise, these smells also may be due to the presence of dead pests trapped in the attics, lofts, vents and roofs or wall cavities.

  • Damages in and around the house

Pests are infamous for the widespread damage they cause inside and outside your property. Damaged or chewed wooden furniture and logs of wood can be a possibility of presence of termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees or other wood boring insects. Similarly, chewed vents, wiring and insulation, holes in clothes is a sign of rodent infestation. You should opt for professional pest control solutions before the damage increases.

  • Abnormal noises

You may experience abnormal noises if there are pests living inside cracks, crevices, openings, vents, wall cavities and other places in your house. Scampering, squealing, hissing, scuttling sounds are common for pests such as rodents, rats, mice and possums. A hollow and rustling sound coming from wooden surfaces, walls or furniture is a sign of a termite and carpenter infestation respectively. Hire a pest control expert to find out more about the pest infestation and have it resolved at the earliest.

  • Active pests

Coming across an ant or cockroach in the kitchen may not be a one-off thing. There is a possibility of more of these pests hiding in the cracks, crevices, holes and openings elsewhere in the house. Therefore, consulting a pest control service provider becomes important to identify the pest issue and eliminate it from the property without delay.

  • Nests

Pests such as rodents, rats and mice, ants, wasps, bees and termites make nests in residences. Look around the entire house and the outer portions of the property including areas in the patio and below decks for evidence of nests. Contact a pest control service provider if you come across any active pests or signs of their nests.

Keep an eye out for these few signs to protect your household and loved ones from the ill-effects of pests. Call a professional pest control service expert, if you experience any of the above-mentioned signs of pest infestations in your property. The better are the chances of preventing huge damage, when remedial action is taken early.